10 Tips for Dealing with Seasonal Depression


Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, or just Seasonal Depression) is hard. It can be super confusing, scary, and even debilitating. I suffer from it, this year more than ever. I am NOT a medical professional, and this is just my experience so if you are having trouble with SAD and you feel it is beyond your control to feel better please seek out a professional. Lots of love, and spring will be here soon!

  1. Get out of the house, even if it is for a 20-minute walk around the block. Getting yourself up seeing new scenery can get your mind off things.

  2. Tan (Lotions, tanning beds, whatever!) I know some people may go against this advice, but listen. My body craves the sun. Tanning (in a bed) gives me that few minutes of warmth that makes me feel better than truly anything else. We are all different, so if tanning lotion is for you, great! Do what is best for yourself. And it does not have to be expensive! I go twice a week (or when I’ve had a truly horrible day) through my black card membership at Planet Fitness! There are also many different lotions to choose from including St. Tropez that is a fan favorite. Something about glowing skin just makes you feel better in my opinion.

  3. Wear bright colors (my go-to is pink) I bought a bright pink sweater from Free People, and it just brightens my day instead of the usual neutrals we tend to go towards in winter!

  4. Take lots of vitamins (specifically vitamin D) this advice I got from a friend, and it makes sense. I put it on my bathroom vanity so in the morning I remember!

  5. Get your body moving, whatever that means to you. I love to stretch, it keeps me moving when I do not have the energy to go to the gym. When I do like to go to the gym, I make sure to get a sweat going because once I’m home I’m usually exhausted and feel better relaxing.

  6. Stay off social media. Y'all, this one is so hard. When I was in the depths of it, I was jealous. Like, mean, resentful jealous. All I wanted to do was grab a plane ticket and go where everyone else is going. Florida, the Caribbean, anywhere with a sun hahaha. Let us be honest here, not everyone can afford the luxury of wanting a vacation and just being able to go. So why torture yourself with that? It will only make it worse, trust me.

  7. Talk to someone. Preferably, a professional if you start to feel like it is truly debilitating but friends work too. I asked a Facebook group I was in and it made me feel 100000% better because I did not feel like the only one — the winter “slumps” affect more of us than you realize! They also had great advice to pass on (and it was free!)

  8. Meditate. My boyfriend taught me this one. He got the Headspace App and uses it every day as a New Years resolution. He invited me to do it a few times and it was nice knowing I wasn’t just sitting in a room alone with my thoughts. If you’re anxious about being alone, try to search meditation groups in your city! Philly has a ton of them.

  9. Sign up for a group. Whether it be an art class, book club, wine/food tasting group, whatever sparks an interest and maybe something new! It allows you to look forward to SOMETHING hopefully every week that takes your mind off of the dreary weather.

  10. Know it is not forever. Trust me, I know how isolating it can feel. You may confide in someone who doesn’t really get it and it makes you feel crazy. But fear not, even if I am the only person in your life talking about it, that is still one person! Spring is around the corner. The flowers will bloom, we’ll get to wear flip flops and the temperatures will get above 55 degrees soon enough.

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